Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thoughts from "Crime and Punishment" Discussion

The thing that stood out to me the most in today's class disscussion was the idea that existentialist writers' goal is for you to experience the character's angst. I felt when reading Crime and Punishment like I, in fact, was the guilty party when I was merely the reader. While I just thought I was slightly delusional, it never occured to me that Dostoevsky's plan was to have me comiserate with Raskolnikov. But now that this fact has been brought to my attention, I am in even more awe if Dostoevsky's talent in the written word.

I was also very curious about what the speaker said about C & P being a version of the raising of Lazarus. Though it would be quite a feat, it makes me want to read the book again just so I can see if that is true. Granted, I'm 99.99% sure I won't do that now, but maybe sometime in the future.

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