Friday, May 29, 2009

What Dreams May Come

This is a very odd movie, enough said. Its worldview is Cosmic Humanist. This is seen in the idea of truth/reality, Heaven/Hell, reincarnation, sin, and God. Truth/reality: the movie expresses that what you think in your head is what is real. Chris tells his wife that if you believe something, than it is truth. Also they create their own realitys and identity with their imagination. Heaven/Hell: there is a so-called happy place... lets call it "heaven". There is also a place where you feel bad beacause you don't know your dead, but there is no punishment or judgment inflicted on you... lets call this place "hell". That is what I think this movie potrays. There is no judgment. Your mind takes you where you want to go. Reincarnation: People in the movie can choose to be reborn and Chris and Annie choose to go back to earth to retry their lives. Sin: Their is no definite sin in the movie. Although, suicide is looked down upon because it disrupts the natural order. It is not punished, however. It only keeps your mind from accepting death. God: Albert/Chris's son phrases the movie's potrayal of God best. There's a God up there. He's wondering why we don't get it and he's trying to tell us he loves us. This maks God seem like a force that is all loving rather than a person who is loving but also judges.


Caryn Kirk said...

Great summary of philosophhy. However, even blogs need reasonable editing!

Caryn Kirk said...

Ooops... even blog comments need reasonable editing.